Honda CR-V: Information / Specifications
Vehicle Specifications
Air Conditioning
Engine Specifications
Washer Fluid
Light Bulbs
Brake Fluid
Continuously Variable Transmission Fluid
Rear Differential Fluid*
Engine Oil
Engine Coolant
* Not available on all models
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), Engine Number, and Transmission
Your vehicle has a 17-digit vehicle identification number (VIN) used to
register your
vehicle for warranty purposes, and for licensing and insuring your vehicle...
Other information:
* Not available on all models
You can set the temperature synchronously for the driver’s side and the
passenger’s side in synchronization mode.
Press the SYNC button.
The system switches to synchronization mode.
Adjust the temperature using the driver’s side temperature control dial...
To achieve optimum voice recognition when using the voice control system:
Make sure the correct screen is displayed for the voice command that you
are using.The system recognizes only certain commands.
Available voice commands.
Close the windows and moonroof * ...