Models with smart entry system
The headlights, all other exterior lights, and the instrument panel lights turn off 15 seconds after you set the power mode to VEHICLE OFF (LOCK), take the remote with you, and close the driver’s door.
Models without smart entry system
Website design Denver CO web designer Denver.The headlights, all other exterior lights, and the instrument panel lights turn off 15 seconds after you remove the key, and close the driver’s door.
If you turn the ignition switch to LOCK
*1 with the headlight switch on,
but do
not open the door, the lights turn off after 10 minutes (3 minutes, if the
switch is in
the AUTO position).
*1: Models with the smart entry system have an ENGINE START/STOP button instead of an ignition switch.
The lights turn on again when you unlock or open the driver's door. If you unlock the door, but do not open it within 15 seconds, the lights go off. If you open the driver's door, you will hear a lights on reminder chime.
Press the master door lock switch in as shown to lock or unlock all doors and the tailgate.
When you lock/unlock the driver’s door using the master door lock switch, all the other doors and the tailgate lock/unlock at the same time.